Sunday, November 19, 2006

Things I Am Thankful For: My Immune System.

I never get sick. Sure, I have been sick, but not for awhile. Every year when people are coughing, sneezing and miserably dragging themselves to the doctor for shots and prescriptions, I am not. I couldn't tell you the last time I had the flu, or got a flu shot. I am not allergic to anything. The changing seasons have no effect on my sinuses. I never get colds. I've never had a throat culture. Never had Strep. When I do feel any scratchiness in my throat, I just drink alot of orange juice. I always feel fine the next day. I have a half-baked theory that the less medicine I take, the less my body will need when fighting infection. Who knows?

Philip is four. He has never gotten a flu shot, never been on penicillin, never had an ear infection or the flu. Patrick, two, had a cough last winter, but I chalk that up to us moving from L.A. to Chicago. Enduring his first real winter, a cough was all he got, with no illness since. My sons seem to have inherited this from me, who I believe, inherited from Mother. My Mother never gets sick.

Mine and my families immune system is a blessing I am thankful for.


Geo said...

I think your theory might be at least three-quarters baked. Friend of mine never takes anything but zinc to deal with a cold, figuring it's better to have it worse for a shorter amount of time than slightly fewer symptoms for far longer.

I've also been counseled to immediately start drinking vodka gimlets at the first sign of a cold. For a while, I found a lot of first signs.

Unknown said...

It's people like you that get hit by buses.

Frank Sirmarco said...

I was a sickly lad, and still am today. If I was a D&D character, I would be an elven magic-user with a 4 Constitution.

Laura said...

I don't get sick much, but I think that's because my parents are doctors and I was exposed to everything sickly at a young age. Thanks for the comment on my blog!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Frank cracks me up.

Phil said...

Geo - Vodka Gimlet, huh? I wonder if that will put the kids to sleep...

Dave - That is why I only voted for anti-bus politicians. It's time we take away their free ride....OF DEATH.

Dirty - I do, in fact, laugh out loud when I see someone puke. I might like it.

Frank - You play any online RPG games? I just started Guild Wars.

Laura - I enjoyed your blog, and Thank You for reading!

Moderator said...

God bless!

My family will say a prayer this Thanksgiving for your glorious immune system.

Johnny Yen said...

I'm thankful for Angelo and Susan's poor immune systems-- it's provided me endless extra shifts at the restaurant.

I love when Angelo calls me to cover a shift-- a kid who is half my age and an athelete, gives an Oscar-worthy performance about being sick. I guess he hasn't figured out that I rarely turn down extra shifts. And Susan's malady is called "a hangover."

Anonymous said...

You might be a Mutant. Be creful the Government might be reading this and they'll turn you into Weapon X.

Phil said...

The magic of the sitetracker tells me the location of people reading my blog. The government has been here twice. For my CIA post and someone in Washington recently googled Elmhurst Quarry and read my blog.

I'm getting to close... Must change locations... Not secure...