If a customer asks you what you like on the menu, mention the items you don't like first.
This gives you credibility in their eyes. They understand that you aren't just a shill for the restaurant. That you are actually interested in them enjoying their meal.
For example, the sangria at our place isn't very good. It comes from a box, and I don't like to serve it. If someone orders it, I tell them it comes from a box, and offer them a taste. If they like it fine, they can have it. But it does my tip no good serving items I don't like.
You are a pillar of the service community. I commend you your principals.
Ooh, I like this segment. More, please.
Unless, of course, the items you don't like are bullshit and you're just doing it to curry favor with the customer.
I pretty much only like bagels and soup...what do you recommend?
I too, never recommend the Sangria w/o a sample first. I also used to do this with our Wings...but they've gotten much better.
Flan - Thank you.
Geo - I am trying to curry favor, usually that leads to better tips.
Dirty - The soup.
Susan - I think they have gotten better too.
I'm with Geo...more please.
I happened to have a Sangria sent back yesterday. When people ask me about it, I am blunt: "It's from a box." This usually disuades them.
I simply do not serve our chianti. After having it sent back a half dozen times or so, I just talk people out of it, and suggest other wines.
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