Quite often as a waiter takes an order, the person ordering has just bit into a bread stick, or perhaps they are just a low talker. Sometimes they are neither, but insist on looking everywhere but the waiter that they are talking to while they are giving their order. This can lead to a misunderstanding and confusion about what they have ordered.
Repeating their order back to them gives you a chance to confirm what you have written down. A chance for them to correct you if you heard them wrong, heading off any mistakes that might happen. Taking this one extra step during the ordering processes can help prevent the appearance of sloppy service, and hopefully, improve your tip.
Solid. I like. Are you a remember-everything-from-memory or a write-it-all-down waiter?
When I worked at Shaw's I was a remember everything, because we had computers that printed the order in the kitchen. Now I have to write it down and give the kitchen a copy.
The "repeat it back" is crucial for the remember everythings, otherwise diners are often left wondering if they, in fact, remembered everything.
Lowtalkers at Jury's??? NEVER!!! I laughed out loud Phil! I also love the folks who can't remember what they order when you bring it to the table...
Hope all is well!
I wish more waitstaff would heed your advice. You really are doing an important public service here.
You should really have a series for patrons on what not to do while dining out as well.
Has that ever back fired on you? I picture a curt reply of "Thats what I said."
Geo - That's a good point. It reassures them, plus it's a nice but of flash when you can rattle it back without having written it down.
TA - Good to hear from you. Hope things are good. Yeah, I love that too.
Chaylene - Thanks. I'm hesitant to offer customers advice. Most just need to have more fun and be less suspicious of their servers. That, and always tip at least 20%.
Dave - Not so much. When I repeat it back it is in the form of a statement, and not a question. But there have been jerks, of course, and at that point I just assume they are poor tippers and my repeating the order makes no difference.
I have had more bad experiences with wrong orders when they don't write it down, so I like it when the waiter writes it down.
Tangent question (possible blog topic): Have you ever served someone that you knew but they didn't know it was you/recognize you?
I got in that habit many years ago. What's amazing, though, is that I'll do that, and still get a wrong order occasionally. I will repeat what was apparently a misheard or misspoken order back to a customer, and they will simply nod their head and let me order them the wrong thing. Amazing.
Val - I can't remember if I have. I have waited on celebrities that didn't know who I was. Bastards...
Johnny - Yeah, I can't figure that out either when it happens. I figure they aren't listening to us.
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