When I first became a parent I used to tell people who asked that running errands with a child was like going camping. You have a backpack, and/or car, full of stuff you may, or may not, need. Food, change of clothes, cleaning supplies, drinks, a stroller, toys, books, etc. That was when I had one kid. Now that I have three, I can't believe I ever thought one kid kept me "busy."
On Mon., Wed., and Fri. Patrick has class at the YMCA from 9-11 am. On Tues. and Thurs. Philip has a class at the same YMCA from 930-1130 am. Mon. through Fri. Philip has kindergarten from 1215-300 pm. All these classes at different times, in different buildings around town makes me feel like I'm in college again, but while camping.
On Wed. Patrick swims so he needs swim trunks and a towel. On Fri. he ice skates and needs extra layers of clothes and a helmet. Philip swims on both Tues. and Thurs. Between the classes at the Y and kindergarten we eat lunch. During the classes, the baby needs a bottle.
These days it feels like I'm going on an extended camping trip, while attending college, with three kids under the age of 6.
We try to pack as many supplies as we can from home so we don't have to buy food while out and about. We've done a pretty good job. Our kids don't beg for snacks or candy from the vending machine. Whenever they have asked I've always been able to pull something healthier from our diaper bag. It's a good system and I always feel good when I see another kid with a bag of
Funyuns for lunch.
Contents of diaper bag on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Supplies.
- Two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
- Tuber ware of plain cheerio's.
- Tuber ware of string cheese, cereal bars (without high fructose corn syrup)
- Diapers.
- Wet wipes.
- Two bottles of formula.
- Two sippy-cups of 2% milk.

The Lunch.

Beverages. (Diet Pepsi not pictured.)

Off to school.
You know what else was alot easier when I only had one? Heck, when I had two even? I lived in Sherman Oaks, California where it rarely snowed. It's so cold today.