This is the latest sonogram we had done yesterday. All indications are that the baby is perfectly healthy. Right now we think it is a girl. The top image is our evidence. It is difficult to be sure. It's easier to see something that is there than to see something that "isn't" there. In this case, a penis. How many times have you heard that guys?
Sonograms are a strange thing. Though I have no reason to think anything could be wrong, and I have been through this twice before, it can still be taxing emotionally. As the nurse works the scanner around my wife's tummy, she stops and moves, massages and works the angle of the sonogram to get different views to record the info she needs. They intentionally place the view screen out of the mothers view. If anything is wrong, they would rather the doctors see it before the mother does. This isn't the case for me. I see everything as she does it.
So every time she stops to focus on something particular, I freak out a bit. I don't know what she is looking at. I don't know what I'm looking at. It's what I don't know that gets to me. Every blob that I can't identify. Every collection of white in the image makes me pause. Why is the nurse spending so much time looking at that? Has her posture changed? Is her body language indicative of a person seeing something bad? It makes me want to scream.
Those feeling are juxtaposed against feeling of wonder and amazement. I can see the heart beating. The stomach is visible, this is because, as I learned with my first son, that the baby will swallow the fluid which aids in forming their internal organs. When you can see the stomach, she has a full belly of fluid. All this is going on in my wife's belly. It makes me want to cry.
It's crazy. I can't recommend it enough.
Whoa, I've been WAY out of the blog loop. Congratulations on your big news!
I love love loved the ultrasound appointment when I was pregnant.
Good thing you already have that girl name picked out!
Wow. Nice. Congradulations to Linda Hendricks. Patient ID# 37162 with Dr.SKLAR
Yay! Congrats!
Megan - Good to see ya. Thanks!
Chaylene - Yes, it's a trip. If it's a girl...
Dave - Yeah. I appreciate you pointing it out for those that missed it.
Team B - How are you feeling?
Cool! Glad to hear that the baby looks healthy. I always loved getting an ultrasound...I don't remember being half as nervous as you were though. Probably a good thing.
You're a nervous person. I also got edgy at the ultrasound. At one point I was sure I saw the face of Ben Franklin. I though "Oh no!" "My daughter is gonna look like Ben Franklin at birth!"
So... Who can/will fawn over their daughter more. Think that will be the bit between us? We should work this out early for our wives sake. Will anyone (other than Linda) be able to pry the girl from Arlene's arms? What is Phil Sr.'s behavior going to be around his first granddaughter? I'm happy for you all. Your family needs some more estrogen.
YAY Phil! You did it!
Val - Thanks! I may have overemphasised my nervousness. I put alot of stock in family history when it comes to the health of the baby. Neither Linda or I have any problems to worry about.
Anon - Who are you?? I think it's all the scifi I read and watch. I half expect the baby to have wings.
Dave - Well..That's a tough one... I have alot of family in the immediate area to spoil this little girl. My Mom? Hell, you'd be shocked by what goes on when Mare and Herb take the boys for days at a time. What will be interesting is the shuffling of statis amongst the children themselves. Philip, Finn and Patrick will be competeing for affection from grown-ups. They all get more responsibility thrust on them. Patrick and Finn will no longer be the baby's.
It's gonna be an 18 year battle royale.
Dirty - Keeping our fingers crossed.
I'm all choked up.
That is so exciting! Precious!
I hope your daughter doesn't have wings.
Good for you! You're going to spoil her rotten, aren't you?
Flan - You're feelin' me.
Natalie - Thanks!
Grant - Why? You wanna keep them all for yourself?
Elizabeth - Probably. I have that tendency to spoil the kids.
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